150 River Street Development Gains BPDA Approval

150 River Street Development Gains BPDA Approval

On Thursday, February 13th, the Planning Office for Urban Affairs (POUA) and Caribbean Integration Community Development (CICD) were excited to gain approval from the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) for their new project in Mattapan. This is the first step in the process of building developments in the City of Boston. Next step will be obtaining the approval of the zoning board. This proposed development will be 30-units of 100% mixed-income senior housing and is consistent with Plan Mattapan. Plan Mattapan is a City planning initiative that seeks to ensure that we preserve wisely, enhance equitably, and grow inclusively. Through these three principles of “preserve, enhance, and grow,” the City’s planning team will work with the community to create a comprehensive vision for the Mattapan planning area and guide future growth and investment. The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) approved 625 housing units; 433 will be affordable with income restrictions. The affordable units are in multiple neighborhoods – Roxbury, Mattapan, Chinatown, Brighton, East Boston, S. Boston are among the locations. These projects will also create 845 construction jobs, 99 direct jobs and 451 indirect and induced jobs. Three of the approved developments are fully-affordable projects, located in Chinatown, Brighton, and Mattapan, making progress towards Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s goal of increasing affordable housing to support a strong middle-class.  

Photo from left to right: Stephen Harvey (BPDA), Beverley Johnson (BevCo), Johnathan Garland (J Garland Enterprises LLC, project architect), Bill Grogan (POUA President), Donald Alexis (CICD President), Liz Haney (POUA Project Manager)