Haverhill’s Harbor Place is on the Move!

Haverhill’s Harbor Place is on the Move!

The Planning Office for Urban Affairs joined The Greater Haverhill Foundation and local and state officials at Pentucket Bank to celebrate the progress of the Harbor Place development on May 15th. All five floors of the commercial building have owners or tenants; the event celebrated the signing of leases and purchase-and-sale agreements for these spaces. 

The event also announced the work of two employees working for the city on Harbor Place, providing assistance with economic development, Consultants Peter Abair and Brian Groth. Additionally, Noah Koretz has been appointed a transformative development initiative (TDI) fellow, assigned to work for three years for the city. HC Media, UMass Lowell, Pentucket Bank and Randall Bennett, in partnership with the Greater Haverhill Foundation, have signed agreements to own office space in the commercial building. This development will be accompanied by a neighboring building with 80 units of housing, as well as retail shops and restaurants. 

Representative Brian Dempsey, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means, was honored for his work bringing state money to the city of Haverhill for this project. Haverhill's state Reps Diana DiZoglio and Linda Dean Campbell; state Senator Kathleen O'Connor Ives; Mayor James Fiorentini; City Councilors; representatives from Pentucket Bank, Haverhill Bank and Bank of America; school officials and the city’s representatives were also honored for their work on the project, or their partnerships.

(Photo: Left-Right: William Grogan, COO and General Counsel at POUA; Sally O'Rorke, Consultant at Greater Haverhill Foundation; Representative Brian Dempsey, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means; Lisa Alberghini, President of POUA; Ronald Trombley, Managing Director of Greater Haverhill Foundation)